What do you need?

Social media management

Do you struggle to create consistent, engaging content for your social media channels? Are you frustrated by your lack of results?

Would you love to hand everything over to an expert so you can get on with running your business?

Then I can help.

My social media management service gives you the peace of mind that your platforms are being expertly cared for while promoting your hospitality business around the clock.

I’ll plan, create and post attention-grabbing content then I’ll engage with your ideal customers and turn them into super-fans.

The result? More leads, more ticket sales, more bums on seats.

Facebook, Instagram & Google ads

Ads are the most effective way to reach new audiences and grow your hospitality business online. Problem is, they can be costly and time-consuming if don’t know what you’re doing! And you don’t need that stress, right?

My done-for-you ads service for Facebook, Instagram and Google is the perfect solution. As an experienced ads strategist, I’ll get your business seen by the right people, increase brand awareness and bring in more sales.

Stop wasting time and money on ads that don’t work and put your budget in safe hands.

How it works

Step 1
Schedule a call

Let’s chat about what you need and how I can help your business boom

Step 2
A customised plan

I’ll create a bespoke strategy to get you seen by all the right people

Step 3
Sell-out success

Sit back and relax as you enjoy a steady increase in covers and ticket sales

Zoe holds a wealth of knowledge within the dance music industry but specifically about marketing and social media.

She is a complete social media wiz and any client she takes on should know they’re in the most capable of hands!

— Niamh O’Connor, Freelance Music Journalist, Event Manager, 
Talent Booker & DJ