Social media & ads management for hotels, restaurants, bars, festivals & events.

Reach new customers, grow your brand, and increase sales

Get in touch

Do you want your business to take centre stage on social media – to grab the limelight and pull in the crowd?

Instead, you’re going round in circles, doing your best but getting nowhere fast.

I can help.


Who am I?

Hi, I’m Zoelee and I specialise in social media marketing for hospitality businesses like yours on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and Google

With more than two decades of experience in the hospitality industry, I know social media is crucial for marketing your brand. But, I also know it can feel completely overwhelming when the rest of your business is so full-on.

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How can I help?

Through creative social content and scroll-stoppings ads, I’ll grow brand awareness and increase sales by tapping into new audiences and turning them into raving fans.The result? More leads, more ticket sales, more bums on seats.

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Zoelee is one of the best communicators 
I have ever worked with. Her marketing and social comms skills are best in class.

Zoelee was part of the founding team behind Printworks London and other iconic dance music brands. She’s also a kind human and we respect her a great deal.

— Simeon Aldred, Strategy & Founder at Printworks & Broadwick and Vibration groups

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